If you want to improve your confidence, culture, or communication within yourself, business, team, or your sport like baseball, softball, basketball, bowling, etc., then this is the podcast for you. Monday through Saturday we‘re putting out a quick hitter-episode for you to mentally prepare and learn more about sport psych and mental performance.
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
#190 - Daily MG - The Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran - 2 of 6
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
If you have gotten anything out of this podcast, please rate and review it! Rate and review the podcast and leave a sparkling (or scathing) comment.
"Indian philosophy compares a thought to a seed: very tiny, but it can grow into a huge, deep-rooted, wide spreading tree. I have seen places where a seed in a crack of a pavement grew into a tree that tore up the sidewalk. It is difficult to remove such a tree, and terribly difficult to undo the effects of a lifetime of negative thinking, which can extend into many other people's lives. But it can be done..." - The Bhagavad Gita
Monday Aug 02, 2021
#189 - Daily MG - The Bhagavad Gita translated by Eknath Easwaran - 1 of 6
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
The Mental Game Enthusiasts are chatting on facebook. Search mental game enthusiasts on facebook and get in on the discussion.
"A sage, seated beside the Ganges, notices a scorpion that has fallen into the water. He reaches down and rescues it, only to be stung. Some time later he looks down and sees the scorpion thrashing about in the water again. Once more he reaches down to rescue it, and once more he is stung. A bystander, observing all this, exclaims, "Holy one, why do you keep doing that? Don't you see that the wretched creature will only sting you in return?" "Of course," the sage replied. "It is the dharma of a scorpion to sting. But it is the dharma of a human being to save." My note: Dharma is the thing itself. Dharma is what you are - your values, your beingness, your virtues." - The Bhagavad Gita
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
#188 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 6 of 6
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
- Our Win The Week email comes out tomorrow. All fear, frustration, inconsistency, stress, discouragement, anxiety, and anger come from out-of-control thinking. Out-of-control thinking leads to out-of-control performance. Each Sunday I'll send you an email to make sure your mind stays disciplined for when you need it the most. Join the Win The Week Club at www.pazikperformancegroup.com/wtw
"Relationship management strategies: Build trust. How is trust built? Open communication; willingness to share; consistency in words, actions, and behavior over time; and reliability in following through on the agreements of the relationship... To build trust, use your self-awareness and self-management skills to be the first to lay some of yourself on the line and share something about you. Identify the relationships in your life that need more trust, and use your self-awareness skills to ask yourself what is missing. Use your social awareness skills to ask the other person what needs to happen to build trust - and listen to the answer. Asking will show you care about the relationship, which will help to build trust, and deepen the relationship." - Travis Bradberry
Friday Jul 30, 2021
#187 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 5 of 6
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Our Ask More Tell Less Coaches Course is getting up and running soon. Make sure you get on our short list to guarantee yourself a spot. You can check it out at https://www.pazikperformancegroup.com/6weekcoachescourse
"Social Awareness Strategy: Practice the art of listening. Listening isn't just about hearing words; it's also about listening to the tone, speed, and volume of the voice. What is being said? Anything not being said? What hidden messages exist below the surface? You may have sat through a speech or presentation where powerful words were chosen, but the tone, speed, or volume didn't match the power of the words. Instead, these likely matched the speaker's frame of mind. Here's the strategy to practice: When someone is talking to you, stop everything else and listen fully until the other person is finished speaking. When you are on a phone call, don't type an email. When your son asks you a question, put your laptop down and look at him while you respond. When you're eating dinner with your family, turn off the TV and listen to the conversation around the table. When you're meeting with someone, close the door and sit near the person so you can focus and listen. Simple things like these will help you stay in the present moment, pick up on the cues the other person sends, and really hear what he or she is saying." - Travis Bradberry
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
#186 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 4 of 6
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Follow me on instagram @pazikperformancegroup!
"Self-management strategy: Count to ten. Even if you don't make it to double digits, you'll stop the flow of frustration and anger long enough to cool down your overheated limbic system and give your rational brain some valuable time to catch up." - Travis Bradberry
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
#185 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 3 of 6
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
If you have gotten anything out of this podcast, please rate and review it! Rate and review the podcast and leave a sparkling (or scathing) comment.
"Self-awareness strategy: Quit treating your feelings as good or bad. It's human nature to want to create two simple and easy piles of emotions: the good ones and the bad ones. For instance, most people would automatically classify guilt as bad. You don't want to feel it - you might even beat yourself up about it - and you do whatever you can to get rid of it. Likewise, we tend to let good emotions like excitement run wild. We pump ourselves up and feed off the energy. The downfall of attaching such labels to your emotions is that judging your emotions keeps you from really understanding what it is that you are feeling... so, next time you feel an emotion begin to build, take notice of it immediately. Refrain from putting it into the good or bad pile and remind yourself that the feeling is there to help you understand something important." - Travis Bradberry
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
#184 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 2 of 6
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
The Mental Game Enthusiasts are chatting on facebook. Search mental game enthusiasts on facebook and get in on the discussion. See you in there!
"EQ is so critical to success that it accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs. The link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every point increase in EQ adds 1300 dollars to an annual salary." - Travis Bradberry
Monday Jul 26, 2021
#183 - Daily MG - Emotional Intelligence by Travis Bradberry - 1 of 6
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Our FREE communication and TRUST BUILDING mini-course is up and running! We'll go over the 8 communication skills you must master to succeed as a coach. You can sign up for it at https://www.pazikperformancegroup.com/masteringcommunication
"The physical pathway for emotional intelligence starts in the brain, at the spinal cord. Your primary senses enter here and must travel to the front of your brain before you can think rationally about your experience. But first they travel through the limbic system, the place where emotions are experienced. Emotional intelligence requires effective communication between the rational and emotional centers of the brain." - Travis Bradberry
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
#182 - Daily MG - Musashi's Book of Five Rings - 6 of 6
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Our Win The Week email comes out tomorrow. All fear, frustration, inconsistency, stress, discouragement, anxiety, and anger come from out-of-control thinking. Out-of-control thinking leads to out-of-control performance. Each Sunday I'll send you an email to make sure your mind stays disciplined for when you need it the most. Join the Win The Week Club at www.pazikperformancegroup.com/wtw
"Every strike must be done with full authority and full intensity. A bullet from a gun does not make a distinction between practice and combat." - Musashi
Friday Jul 23, 2021
#181 - Daily MG - Musashi's Book of Five Rings - 5 of 6
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
If you have gotten anything out of this podcast, please rate and review it! Rate and review the podcast and leave a sparkling (or scathing) comment. Thank you!
"Warriors do not appear to be tense and do not appear to be in disarray... When it is necessary to attack, they do so with complete resolve, sure of themselves, neither overbearing in attitude nor with false humility. They attack with one purpose and one purpose only - to destroy the enemy. They do not take false postures when they prepare for attack. They simply attack with all their heart and soul." - Musashi